Your 321 STRONG resistance bands are a great addition to any home gym. Loaded with features and benefits, they can be used for offsetting body weight, strength training, stretching, or rehabilitation. Made of 100% natural latex rubber, they are 82 inches of band formed into a 41 inch loop, 4.5 mm thick, and of various widths.
Ideal for pullups, muscle ups, or kipping pull ups, which can all be very challenging to begin. When tied between the bar and your knee or foot, the bands help you to not have to lift your entire body weight, allowing you to complete many more reps. As you progress, use smaller bands to decrease the assistance.
You can also use the smaller bands to perform deep stretching as a warm up or cool down, or just as part of a healthy stretching regimen. Your stretch bands are also helpful while recovering from injuries to increase flexibility and restore mobility and range of motion.
Replace weights, and still target specific muscle groups with variable resistance for a custom workout. A single band can reproduce squats, seated rows, curls, or even a bench press.