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June 20, 2018 2 min read

Why people love CrossFit?

CrossFit is one of the most popular fitness crazes in the world. But unlike other types of fitness lovers, people that do CrossFit can't help but rave about it. You will always notice that CrossFit practitioners would often talk about how good CrossFit is and how it changed their lives for the better. While some of you may not understand why they are so crazy about it, there are good reasons why people love CrossFit so much. Here are some of them:


There's friendship

Because a CrossFit box is as a community, people there love and support each other's fitness goals. There's a sense of friendship because nobody gets left behind. While you may not be as athletic as some of the other guys in the box, they will always be there to help you keep up and surpass your own limits.


It's great to help ease away injuries and pains

While there are no therapeutic claims to this, CrossFit is a good way to ease yourself from nagging pains and injuries. How does it do that? Well, if you do CrossFit, you'll find yourself becoming stronger every day. You'll get to perform lifts using the proper methods and form and you will also improve your overall muscle strength. Because of your improved strength and form, muscle pains and injuries that you may have suffered in the past won't hurt as much as they did.


It's fun

The truth is that working out isn't always fun. A lot of people don't enjoy going to the gym to do the same routines over and over again. However, CrossFit is different. You are working out together with a group of people you now consider a family in your box. You all do the same workout routines and are actually racing and competing against one another. Is there a workout that's more fun than that?


Nothing is ever the same

One of the common criticisms about CrossFit is that it's just some random exercises put together. However, that is entirely false. One of the reasons why a lot of people do CrossFit is that they don't want to do the same routines on a regular basis in the gym. In CrossFit, you almost never do the same lifts and routine because your workout changes on a regular basis.


It's not selective

The problem with most people in the gym is that they are selective when it comes to their workouts. If they find that they aren't good at deadlifts or squats, they don't do it as often as they should. If they struggle to do chin-ups, they rarely do it. But that's not the case when it comes to CrossFit. In CrossFit, you don't select your workouts. You are given a new routine every day and it doesn't matter if you are good at one workout or not. This means that you will be able to balance your overall muscle strength and you'll also be more versatile when it comes to different workouts.

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